Dark Lips - Causes and Treatment with Dark Lip Neutralization 


There is natural variation between people in their lip colour. A pigment called melanin gives the skin its colour. Less melanin creates a lighter skin tone, whereas more melanin means a darker skin tone.

If the skin begins producing more melanin than usual, it can lead to hyperpigmentation - the name that healthcare professionals give to patches of skin that become darker than surrounding areas of skin. A common example of hyperpigmentation is age spots. This condition is related to sun exposure, and many people believe it to be harmless. It can affect almost any area of the body, including the lips. Some other examples of hyperpigmentation are melasma and  post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

Causes of hyperpigmentation include:

  • sun exposure

  • tobacco smoking

  • pregnancy

  • certain medications

  • a medical condition

  • Hormones

  • Genetics

  • Blue Light

Sun exposure

Exposing skin to the sun triggers the body to create melanin to absorb the ultraviolet rays. This protects the skin from some of the damage that sunlight causes. It also causes the skin to tan and usually ends up looking like dark freckles on the lips. It is important to wear sun protection on the lips, as well as elsewhere the body. Lip balms with a  sun protection factor of 30 or higher can protect the lips from sun damage.

Tobacco smoking

Nicotine and benzopyrene cause blood vessels to shrink and narrow, reducing blood flow and starving skin of oxygen and the nutrients it needs to remain healthy and supple. Reduced blood flow and exposure to tar and nicotine can also cause the melanin in your lips and gums to darken, leading to uneven pigmentation. 


Some pregnant women develop dark irregular patches on their face most commonly on the upper cheek, nose, lips, and forehead. This is called 'chloasma'. This is due to changing levels of hormones in the body.

Certain medications

Some medications can cause hyperpigmentation. These include antimalarial drugs and the oral antibiotic minocycline. The skin should return to its usual colour once the course of medication finishes, but for some, the hyperpigmentation may persist.

Medical issues

Some medical issues can cause hyperpigmentation. One of the most well known is Addison’s disease, or adrenal insufficiency, occurs when the outer layer of the adrenal glands are damaged. Usually, it is a problem with the immune system that stops the adrenal gland from making enough essential hormones. The condition can cause dark patches of skin, dark lips, or dark gums. Other symptoms include a lack of energy, weakness, and low mood.

If your lips appear darker and take on a blue or purple tone, or you experience difficulty breathing, you should seek immediate medical care. This could be a sign of cyanosis, a condition that develops when there isn’t enough oxygen in your blood.


The only true way to neutralize and bring an even tone to the lips is to use colour theory techniques and to use tattooing to neutralize the darkness. On the first session we will have to colour correct your lips to cancel out the cool tones. This means the initial colour we tattoo MUST be orange or yellow! If we are to tattoo any other colour you risk darkening your lips further or having absolutely no results at all. When healed at 6-8 weeks, most if not all of the darkness in your lips will be covered and your lips will have a nudey-pink even tone. Note that  results cannot be guaranteed and lightening or evening out dark lips may take a few sessions.

I know how it is to feel insecure about something you can’t fix about yourself and I’m so proud to be able to offer this service to many with successful healed results.

Studio Vanassa - Dark Lip Neutralization

Immediately after 1st Session - Correcting Shape of lips by bringing colour back to bottom lip, light wash of yellow and orange pigment to Neutralize lips.

Healed neutralization of lips with a soft nudely Lip Blush after

Immediately after Lip Blush Neutralization

Check out @studiovanassa on Instagram for more images of happy lips neutralization clients!

📍10015 82 Ave NW

💌 vanassa@studiovanassa.com

🛒 studiovanassa.com


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