My client wanted to bring one tone to her lips. She was especially insecure about the dark sun spots on her bottom lip. She usually wore orange lipstick to cover up the darkness in her lips. You can see the difference that Dark Lip Neutralization did after the first session! The tone of her lips were basically even, allowing me to do Lip Blush on her lips during her second appointment. She was unsure of which lipstick she wanted since she was so used to just using orange lipstick before. She still wanted a coral lipblush so I used one drop of the Lip Neutralizer orange colour ink. I used colour theory to match her new favourite lipstick perfectly.

Lip Neutralization: I used Everflo Modifying inks Neutralizer and Everafter Pumpkin Spice.

Lip Blush: I used Evenflo Passion and Flora with 1 drop of Evenflo Modifying colour Neutralizer


S's Bold Red Lip Blush


G's Lip Blush